House of Barbençon
House of Barbençon
Lords of Barbençon, La Buissière and Solre-sur-Sambre
House of Barbençon-Jeumont
Lords of Jeumont, Merlemont, Solre-Le-Château, Fagnolles, La Longueville, Roubaix, Walincourt and Thy-Le-Château
Barons of Werchin and Cysoing
Seneschals of Hainaut
Issued from Nicolas, younger son of Jean I de Barbençon -
House of Barbençon-Donstiennes
Lords of Donstiennes, Thiers, Villemont and Avelin
Issued from Jean, younger son of Jean II de Barbençon -
House of Ligne-Barbençon
Lords of Barbençon, Polsbroek and Seneghem
Barons and Princes of Barbençon
Princes of Arenberg
Matrilineal branch issued from Eustachie, daughter of Jean III de Barbençon
Jean I de Barbençon
Lord of Barbençon, La Buissière and Jeumont
Arms in Wijnbergen Armorial -
Jean II de Barbençon
Lord of Barbençon and
La Buissière
Eldest son and heir of Jean I de Barbençon
Arms in Wijnbergen Armorial as heir to his father -
Nicolas III de Barbençon
Lord of Jeumont and
Younger son of Jean I de Barbençon
Progenitor of Jeumont branch
Arms in Wijnbergen Armorial