Imperial Diet

Imperial Diet of the Holy Roman Empire
The Imperial Diet (Reichstag) was the forum where the Imperial Estates and the Emperor could discuss and negotiate issues from the early modern period of the Empire onwards ; what it enacted was Imperial Law.
The Imperial Estates (Reichsstände) were the territories that enjoyed imperial immediacy (Reichsunmittelbarkeit), that is the Emperor was their immediate and direct feudal lord, since the territories they held were formally feudal fiefs. Alongside this immediacy, the Imperial Estates had to share the burden of the Empire and were to pay taxes to fund the various bodies whose responsability was to maintain the common legal framework that characterised the social and political order of the Empire ; these two criteria thus determined whether or not a territory formally attached to the Empire could enjoy the right to participate and vote in the Diet.

College of Electors | College of Princes | Ecclesiastical Bench | Secular Bench | College of Imperial Cities | Rhenish Bench | Swabian Bench

College of Electors | College of Princes | Ecclesiastical Bench | Secular Bench | College of Imperial Cities | Rhenish Bench | Swabian Bench

College of Electors | College of Princes | Ecclesiastical Bench | Secular Bench | College of Imperial Cities | Rhenish Bench | Swabian Bench

College of Electors | College of Princes | Ecclesiastical Bench | Secular Bench | College of Imperial Cities | Rhenish Bench | Swabian Bench

College of Electors | College of Princes | Ecclesiastical Bench | Secular Bench | College of Imperial Cities | Rhenish Bench | Swabian Bench

College of Electors | College of Princes | Ecclesiastical Bench | Secular Bench | College of Imperial Cities | Rhenish Bench | Swabian Bench

College of Electors | College of Princes | Ecclesiastical Bench | Secular Bench | College of Imperial Cities | Rhenish Bench | Swabian Bench | College of Imperial Cities | Rhenish Bench | Swabian Bench